A passion for beer and pubs

The Scottish Beer & Pub Association is the leading body representing Scotland’s brewers and pub companies. It was formed over a century ago as The Brewing Association of Scotland and today is part of the British Beer & Pub Association, originally founded as the Brewers’ Society in 1904 

We champion issues that matter to the Scottish beer and pub industry. These are causes our members are passionate about; whether it's promoting great Scottish beer, or campaigning against increases to beer duty and businesses rates that are so damaging to community pubs. 

As part of the wider British Beer & Pub Association, our members are responsible for 90% of the beer brewed across the UK today and we represent around 20,000 of the country’s pubs. They include international companies, family brewers, managed locals and the nation’s largest tenanted pub estates. It’s a diverse group, but we are passionate about representing, supporting and campaigning for the wellbeing of the beer and pub sector. 

EURO 2024 Guidance - Scotland

Click the image above to download our EURO 2024 guidance. 

Our Membership

The Scottish Beer & Pub Association is the leading trade association for the brewing and pub industry in Scotland. As part of the BBPA, our members are responsible for around 20,000 pubs and account for 90% of beer produced across the UK. We are recognised as the key representative of the pub industry to Government and media spokesperson on key issues in Scotland.

Challenge 25

The SBPA’s Challenge 25 scheme has been raising awareness among publicans and their staff of the need to be vigilant in preventing underage sales. The scheme serves as a reminder to customers that it is against the law to purchase alcohol if you are under 18, or to purchase alcohol on behalf of someone who is under 18.

Download the Challenge 25 Poster
Policy & Campaigns
We champion the issues that matter most to our members, using our knowledge and expertise to campaign for change helping breweries and pubs thrive.
Pubs & Breweries in Numbers
From how many pubs there are in communities across the UK to exports each year, check out all the latest data and statistics on the beer and pub industry.

"We're here to speak up for our members, to make sure pubs and brewers running brilliant businesses in every single part of the UK are heard.

"Our pubs and breweries are a cornerstone of British heritage and we're here to make sure they're a part of our country's future."

Emma McClarkin OBE, Chief Executive, BBPA
Meet our Team

The work of the Scottish Beer & Pub Association is also supported by the colleagues at the British Beer & Pub Association based in London.